鄭登貴 教授
Cheng, Teng-Kuei
鄭登貴 | Cheng, Teng-Kuei |
職稱 Title | 榮譽教授 Emeritus Professor |
學生訪談時間 Students time | 請事先約時間 Make an appointment with Dr.Winston Cheng before visiting |
聯絡方式 Contact | Tel: 886-04-23590121轉37110 Fax: 886-04-23590385 E-mail: winstoncheng@thu.edu.tw |
學經歷 Background | 英國劍橋大學動物生理學研究所 博士 Ph.D., Inst. of Animal Physiology, Cambridge. (UK) |
研究方向 Research | 家畜卵體外成熟及體外受精 Maturation and fertilization of oocytes in vitro, including lab. and farm animals 動物胚之基因轉殖與胚複製等顯微操作及其在組織工程之應用Techniques related to micromanipulation of embryos, including: embryo splitting, nuclear transplantation, gene injection, embryo cloning, sexing, freezing, and embryo cloning associated with studies related to cell-, tissue- and organ-engineering. 家畜胚發育相關功能性基因體學及蛋白體學等研究 Functional genomic and proteomic studies related to oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryonic development in the pig and cow more… |
- 利用心臟梗塞之疾病模式以骨髓幹細胞結合基因治療促進心臟血管新生及功能恢復之可行性探討(國科會傑出學者個別型三年期養成計畫: 96/08/01 ~ 99/07/31)
- 使用業經強化HAX-1 基因表現之骨髓間葉幹細胞試圖改善心肌梗塞症治療效果之可行性探討(國科會傑出學者三年期研究計畫:97/08/01 ~ 100/07/31)
- 豬卵母細胞特異性連接組蛋白基因表現調控及其功能之探討 (國科會一般個別型三年期研究計畫: 99/08/01 ~ 102/07/31)
歷年學術期刊論文請參閱 ResearchGate
- Wu, SC, SH Hsiao, PH Cheng, CJ Lin, SY Huang, YS Lin, CH Cheng, CW Liu, and WTK Cheng. 2006. Isolation, characterization and further prospective application of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells from transgenic pigs harboring the EGFP gene. In the 1st Symposium on Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine. P.77. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Hsiao, SH, WS Lian, YY Chen, TF Kuo, CF Cheng, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2006. Xenogeneic transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells from pig bone marrow improving the infracted heart functions in mice. International Symposium on recent Advaces in Stem cell Research and 2006 Annual meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research.Congress Proceeding Abstract) P36. Taipei Med. Univ. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lin, CJ, PH Cheng, SH Hsiao, CH Cheng, YS Lin, CW Liu, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2006. Generation and analysis of transgenic pig harboring the green fluorescent protein gene. The XIIth AAAP Animal Science Congress Proceedings. P541. Bexco, Busan, Korea.
- Lee, YJ, CH Cheng, CJ Lin, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2006. Cloning and constructon of human surfactant protein B and C for mammary gland-specific expression and delivering of the recombinant proteins into milk of transgenic animals. The XIIth AAAP Animal Science Congress Proceedings. P543. Bexco, Busan, Korea.
- Lien, CY., EC Lin, CC Hsu, ST Ding, and WTK Cheng. 2006. The gene commonly expressed at early embryo stages for mammals. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 35 (Suppl.): 66.
- Wang, YH, EC Lin, BR Huang, CJ Yang, CK Huang, MC Hsu, CY, Lien, BT Tsai, CF Yen, HW Lin, ST Ding, WTK Cheng , KT Yang, MC Hyang, YH Fan, SH Chiou, CF Chen, and YP Lee. 2006. Gene ontology analysis for avain liver cDNA libraries. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 35 (Suppl.): 115.
- Huang, SC., YH Ko, YH Yu, CH Chiu, WTK Cheng, and ST Ding. 2006. The specific expression of genes in the early embryonic development stages in mice. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 35 (Suppl.): 147.
- Huang, SY, JH Lin, YH Chen, YF Chiou, SC Wu, WTK. Cheng, and CF Tu. 2007. Comparison of protein expression in mammary gland from different lines of human factor IX transgenic and non-transgenic pigs using a proteomic approach. 2007 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Mass Spectrometry and International Seminar, June 29-30, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Proceeding P45.
- Huang, SY, JH Lin, YH Chen, SH Teng, SC Wu, WTK Cheng, and CF Tu, 2007. Differential protein expression in livers from human factor IX transgenic and non-transgenic pigs using a proteomic approach. Taiwan Proteomics Society International Conference 2007, December 4-5, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Program Book p.107.
- Cheng, WTK. 2007. Recent advancement of transgenic animal research in Taiwan. The conference of Biotechnology Taiwan 2007, Hosted by Taiwan. Foundation for the Development of Biomedical Technology, September 28-30, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceeding, pp. 39-40.
- Wu, RS, EC Lin EC, CC Hsu, and WTK Cheng. 2007. Comparison of ribosomal protein gene distribution between full-length enriched cDNA libraries from multiple stages of porcine early embryo. J. Anim. Sci. 85: 15 (Abstract)
- Lien, CY;EC Lin, CC Hsu, WTK Cheng, and ST Ding. 2007. The genes commonly expressed at early embryonic stages in mammals. J. Anim. Sci. 85: 473 (Abstract)
- Wang, YH; EC Lin,; MC Hsu, CY Lien, BT Tai, CF.Yen, HW Lin, ST Ding, WTK Cheng, KT Yang, MC Huang, YH Fan, SH Chiou, CF Chen, and YP Lee. 2007. Sequence homology comparison between goose and chicken liver cDNA libraries. J. Dairy Sci. 90: 480 (Abstract)
- Wu, SH, SP Lin, LY Sung, WTK Cheng. 2008. Recent advancement of research and development of animal biotechnology in Taiwan. Proceeding of 2008 Joint International Conference of Sunchon National University and National Taiwan University in Bioresources and Agriculture. Congress Proceeding pp. G1-G2.Sunchon, Korea.
- Chen, YH, SY Huang, HT Liu, CF Tu, HS Hsu, WTK Cheng, SC Wu, and YH Kuo, 2008. Comparison of semen quality traits in different lines of human factor IX transgenic and non-transgenic pigs. 13th AAAP Anim. Sci. Congress, September 22-26, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Peng, SY, SH Hsiao, WC Huang, ML Jang, YT ang, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2008. Improvement of mouse osteoporotic bone by porcine mesenchymal stem cells transplantation. International Symposia on Stem cells, Epigenetics and Development & 2008 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. September 27-28, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceeding , p.98.
- Wu, CY, SH Hsiao, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2008. Extracellular matrix and clump structure formation improve the efficiency of marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into insulin-producing cells. International Symposia on Stem Cells, Epigenetics and Development & 2008 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. September 27-28, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceeding, p.111.
- Wu, CY, SH Hsiao, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2008. Transplatation porcine egfp-mesenchymal stem cells derived insulin-producing cells prolonged the life span of type I diabetes mice for 4 times.. International Symposia on Stem Cells, Epigenetics and Development & 2008 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. September 27-28, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceeding, p.112.
- Hsiao, SH, WTK Cheng, WS Lian, CJ Lin, CH Cheng, HY Huang, CC Cheng, YS Lin, PH Cheng, SP Lin, and SC Wu. 2008. Towards an ideal animal model to trace donor cell fates after stem cell therapy: production of stably labeled multipotent mesenchymal stem cells isolated from bone marrow of trans-genic pig harboring EGFP. International Symposia on Stem cells, Epigenetics and Development & 2008 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. September 27-28, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceeding, p.114.
- Hsiao, SH, CC Cheng, SP Lin, HY Huang, CH Cheng, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2008. Isolation of hematopoietic cell free colonies-derived mesenchymal stem cells from the mouse bone marrow. International Symposia on Stem cells, Epigenetics and Development & 2008 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. September 27-28, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceeding, p.115.
- Lin, Y, SH Li, CC Yang, PH Cheng, CH Lu, SL Chu, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2008. Protein profile of serine/threonine phosphoproteome related to capacitation of boar spermatozoa. International Symposia on Stem cells, Epigenetics and Development & 2008 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. September 27-28, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceeding, p.130.
- Shen, CJ, SC Wu, WTK Cheng, TC Tsai, HL Chen, and CM Chen. 2008. Characterization of epigenetic methylation changes of four imprinting genes in cloned porcine. 4th International Conference on Stem Cell Research and Therapeutics. April 17-18. Boston, MA, USA.
- Shen, CJ, SC Wu, WTK Cheng, TC Tsai, CH Chen, HL Chen, and CM Chen. 2008. Dissecting epigenetic changes of imprinting genes in cloned porcine. In the 9th Developmental Biology Conference. Sep. 5-6. National Chung Hsing University. O-06.
- Chen, CM, HL Chen, CM Hung, and WTK Cheng. 2008. Lactoferrin-enriched milk protects neonatal from a lethal challenge with enterovirus type 71. In International Conference of 2008 Nutrigenomics, 17-18 March, Paris, France.
- Shen, CJ, SC Wu, WTK Cheng, HL Chen, and CM Chen. 2009. OPN promoter controlled by DNA methylation: Aberrant methylation in cloned porcine. In Annual Meeting of the 100th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). P3364. Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Lin, CC, PC Shen, WTK Cheng, CJ Shen, and CM Chen. 2009 The aberrant epigenetic modification of imprinting genes in cloned bovine genomes. In Proc. of the 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. P559. Mar. 21-22, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lin, CC, PC Shen, WTK Cheng, CJ Shen, and CM Chen. 2009. Epigenetic aberration of imprinting genes in somatic nuclear transferred cloning bovine genomes. International Symposium of Stem cells and Bioengineering & 2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. May 16-17, 2009, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Proceeding, P1-01, p.84.
- Shen, CJ, SC Wu, WTK Cheng, TC Chai, CH Chen, HL Chen, and CM Chen. 2009. Aberration reprogramming life cycle of imprinted genes in cloned porcine genome. International Symposium of Stem cells and Bioengineering & 2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. May 16-17, 2009, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Proceeding, P1-01, p.85.
- Huang, YN, CC Cheng, SH Hsiao, I Hsu, HY Huang, SS Lin, YH Kuo, WTK Cheng, MH Tsai, and SP Lin. 2009. MicroRNA’s involvement in adipogenesis. International Symposium of Stem cells and
Bioengineering & 2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. May 16-17, 2009, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Proceeding, P1-05, p.88. - Wu, CE, WS Lian, SH Hsiao, CC Cheng, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2009. Isolation and Characterization of side population cells derived from neonatal murine epidermal. International Symposium of Stem cells and Bioengineering & 2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. May 16-17, 2009, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Proceeding, P2-12, p.111.
- Lian, WS, CC Cheng, SC Wu, H Lin, CF Cheng, and WTK Cheng. 2009. Feasibility of combination bone marrow stem cells and genetic modification strategies for enhancement of angiogenesis a better improvements cardiac performance against to acute myocardial infarction. International Symposium of Stem cells and Bioengineering & 2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. May 16-17, 2009, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Proceeding, P3-15, p.141.
- Hsiao, SH, CC Cheng, SY Peng, HY Huang, WS Lian, ML Jan, YT Fang, ECH Cheng, KH Lee, WTK Cheng, SP Lin, and SC Wu. 2009. Purification of functional mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells with 3 hours by an effective single-step plasic-adherent method. International Symposium of Stem cells and Bioengineering & 2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. May 16-17, 2009, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Proceeding, P3-18, p.144.
- Liu, HY, WS Lian, SH Hsiao, CC Cheng, WTK Cheng, and SC Wu. 2009. Marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells have potential for testicular cells differentiation in mice with testicular failure. International Symposium of Stem cells and Bioengineering & 2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research. May 16-17, 2009, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Proceeding, P3-19, p.145.
- 荷蘭種乳牛齒釉蛋白基因之性別特異性序列及其在胚性別鑑定之應用。中華民國。鄭登貴、陳全木、胡澤鈴、王治華、朱廣邦。國科會。1999-2017。
- A process for sexing cow embryos. USA. WTK Cheng, C.M. Chen, C.H. Hu, C. H. Wang, K. B. Choo.國科會.1999-2018.
- 羊齒釉蛋白基因之性別特異性序列與單一羊胚細胞之性別鑑定技術。中華民國。陳全木、張釗綺、翁挺亮、鄭登貴。農委會。2001-2019。
- Method for expression multiple recombinant proteins in the milk of transgenic non-human mammals. USA. S. C. Wu, WTK Cheng, C.M. Chen, S. P. Lin, C. H. Yen, P. C. Yang. 財團法人動物科技研究所. 2006-2025.
- 紫外線滅菌隔離鼠籠之飼育設備。中華民國。陳明義、鄭登貴、鄭金益、陳明仁、鄭敬薰。台顓生物科技公司。2006-2015。
- 非人類之基因轉殖哺乳動物乳汁中表現多種外源蛋白質之方法。中華民國。吳信志、鄭登貴、陳全木、林劭品、顏重河、楊平政。財團法人動物科技研究所。2007-2023。
- 利用乳腺表現型基因轉殖動物系統生產具生物功能之人類第八凝血蛋白之方法。中華民國。鄭登貴、陳全木、林淑華、王志宏、林之任、吳信志。中興大學。2007-2023。
- Transgenic animals producing low-lactose milk and newly identified human small intestinal extracellular lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (ECLPH) gene. USA. C.M. Chen, WTK Cheng, H.L. Chen. 中興大學. 2009-2028.
- Method for producing biologically active human factor VIII in the milk of transgenic animals driven by mammary-specific expression cassettes. USA. WTK Cheng, C.M. Chen, S. H. Lin, C. H. Wang, C. J. Lin, S. C. Wu. 中興大學. 2009-2028.
- Novel Porcine Pancreatic Amylase Gene Promoter and Transgenic Pigs Expressing Heterologous Digestive Enzymes. USA. WTK Cheng, S.C. Wu, C. C.Hsu, Y.S. Lin, C.J. Lin, C.T. Hsu, K.J. Cheng. 臺灣大學. 2006.
- 新穎之豬胰澱粉?基因啟動子及表現異源性消化酵素之基因轉殖豬。中華民國。鄭登貴、吳信志、徐啟真、林育聖、林之任、鄭國展、徐濟泰。臺灣大學。2006。