
本校為因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情,108學年度第2學期延後至109年3月2日開學,為讓因受疫情影響而無法順利就學之學生 (含本國學生、陸生、僑生、港澳僑生及外國學生) 能安心就學,本處提供課程、註冊繳費、選課、遠距教學等多項彈性就學措施。

THU flexible academic measures to cope with novel coronavirus

To cope with the spread of Novel Coronavirus, the starting date of 1082 semester has been postponed to March 2. To facilitate regular schooling hindered by the current epidemic (including domestic, foreign and overseas Chinese students from the Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau), THU Office of Academic Affairs offers flexible options regarding course registration, registration & payment, and online distance learning alternatives.

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